The glycemic index, glycaemic index, or GI is defined as a measure of the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. Since Foods have a high GI caused carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion and released glucose rapidly into the bloodstream. On the other hand, foods with a low GI have significant health benefits, because theirs carbohydrates break down more slowly, release glucose more gradually into the bloodstream. The concept was developed by Dr. David J. Jenkins and colleagues[1] in 1980–1981 at the University of Toronto in their research to find out which foods were best for people with diabetes.
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5 Keys to Success With Low Glycemic Index Diets
By Leona Wright
There is a reason why so many people have been so successful with low glycemic index diets: they are both easy and effective. Not only do they work in getting people to become healthier and slimmer, but once you understand the basic concept behind them, you'll find that low GI diets are amazingly easy to follow. No need to drastically modify your diet and eating habits, no need to give up good food just so you can look good! Here are five steps you need to make this a diet you can live with.
1. Understand the charts! The obvious first task is to understand which foods are considered low Glycemic index foods. This information can be obtained through GI charts which are widely available on the internet and in glycemic index books. As a rule of thumb, 0-55 GI is considered low, 56-69 GI is considered medium and over 70 is considered high.
2. Be a mindful shopper! There are plenty of low glycemic index foods around-- don't be afraid to try new things, but focus on the foods you like the most. Don't be a hero-- the diet will work even without super human effort! Yes, celery is low on the glycemic index, but don't make it the centerpiece of your meals if you really hate it. You'll just end up feeling deprived and unhappy and those are poor incentives to stay on any diet! So make you own GI list: include foods you love, like, and wold like to experiment with, and note their GI values. And then get cooking!
3. Balance your diet! It is often possible that certain foods that are low in Glycemic index are high in things you really need to watch, like saturated fat. This is true especially in the case of meat. Also, there are some foods, like certain fruits, that are higher on the Glycemic index but contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants essential for longevity and good health. Definitely eat them, but consider doing so in moderation and compensate by focusing on low GI foods for the rest of the meal.
4. Don't forget the glycemic load! Glycemic index is great, but not perfect as an indication of how foods will affect your blood sugar levels. One reason is that it does not take really portion size into account. So try to calculate and consider the food's glycemic load as well. If you divide the GI number by 100 and multiply the result by the number of carbs in the serving size, you'll have a better picture of how a certain food may affect you. Glycemic load of 10 or less is low, 20 or higher is hagh-- anything in the middle is considered medium.
5. Don't feel that you have to reinvent the wheel-- tweak it instead! For any change to be meaningful, it must be sustainable. Focus on small changes you can live with. For example, instead of a 3 meal a day diet plan, you can opt for 6 smaller meals: you may stay fuller longer, eat less overall, and have more consistent energy throughout the day. Be creative with other small modifications which can all add up to a big difference: switch from fruit juice to flavored sparkling water; if you love fruit, choose blueberries instead of grapes and so on.
Thousands of people have found low Glycemic index diets more effective than anything they've ever tried before. Understand and apply their basic rules in your day to day life and you are bound to see positive results and steady improvement.
Leona Wright writes about health, nutrition and weight loss. She herself has had a lot of success on the glycemic index diet. For more great information on low glycemic index diets and how to use them to lose weight for good, visit
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Low GI Snack - Ideas For Healthy Low GI Diet Foods
By Steve Somerton
You probably have noticed that many of the popular weight loss plans include eating low GI diet foods. Most people know that high sugar snacks like donuts and candy bars aren’t considered low GI snacks but many are left wondering what is on the list. Eating a low GI diet doesn’t have to be bland, boring, or unsatisfying. Low GI diet foods control hunger, helping you to feel full between meals. In fact, eating low GI foods is possibly the best way to control hunger. When you start eating a low GI diet you will notice that you have more energy and fewer cravings. This is because low GI foods have a smoother, more controlled release of energy.
When looking for a low GI snack or meal choose whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. The more processed a food is the higher it usually is on the glycemic index. Eating low GI snacks can be just as easy as grabbing something from your local bakery, as long as you know what you are looking for. Several bakeries have low GI breads available. One favorite is apple oatmeal muffins. These are great for snack time or breakfast. Flax meal muffins are great snacks also. If your local bakery doesn’t have these items available you can make them at home using low GI recipes. Pizza is another favorite that can be a low GI food with the right recipe. Try using whole grain pita bread for crust and add fresh toppings and grated mozzarella cheese. This low GI diet food is something that you can enjoy instead of endure.
A low GI diet rich in whole, natural, foods can satisfy your hunger and improve your health. Choosing foods that are fresh, not refined, and are from all of the food groups daily is the best way to lose weight, stabilize blood sugar levels, and control hunger throughout the day. Natural sugars in fruits are great snacks when you want something sweet. Remember that some fruits have higher GI than others. Bananas are very high in sugars. Berries, peaches, pears, and apples are much better choices. Leafy greens are also good low GI foods. The best low GI diet is one that includes a variety of foods. When you include a wide variety of low GI diet foods in your diet you will have a wider variety of natural sources of vitamins and minerals.
For low gi snacks, recipes, and other low gi diet foods information check out and
Steve Somerton writes informative articles on various subjects including Low GI Snack - Ideas For Healthy Low GI Diet Foods. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.
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Permanent Weight Loss & Disease Prevention
Healthy Food - Glycemic Index Diet Plan, What's That?
By David Rosa
What is a glycemic index diet plan? Well first off the glycemic index is the rate at which food is digested in your body. Therefore high GI are foods that digest quickly and easily in your system. While a low GI refers to foods that are digested at a slower rate. Therefore a GI diet plan is a nutrition guide that follows the guidelines of a low GI.
A high GI is not good for you because this means that you will be hungry more often, when your goal is to control that urge to eat more. If you are on a high GI you are more prone to cheating and eating the foods that you know you shouldn't. Although it is good to have a high GI meal immediately after your workout, in order to replenish your body, you should focus on a low GI plan.
What is the significance of GI? A low GI is extremely beneficial to your health. A low GI means a smaller rise in blood sugar levels and can help control diabetes. A low GI diet plan can help people lose weight and lower blood lipids (fats). It can also improve your body's sensitivity to insulin.
A Low Glycemic Index Diet Plan Will Benefit:
* Diabetics
* Dieters
* Athletes
* Hypoglycemics
* Persons with insulin resistance or Syndrome X
Anyone looking to:
* reduce excess body fat levels
* help balance blood glucose and insulin levels
All in all the goal is to focus on a low GI diet plan. In order to switch over to this, you would have to look into these foods:
* Cereals based on wheat bran, oats and barley
* Pasta in the place of potatoes
* Low fat milk products
* Some fruits such as apples, pears, and berries
* White fish such as tuna in water, chicken, turkey
If it is hard for you to switch to these foods at first it is alright. No one expects you to completely change over night. You can eat a combination of high GI and low GI foods as long as it is moderation. I believe everyone can benefit by having some more extra energy in their system.
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