Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Low Gi Diet Pro and Con

Recommended Program
The Low Glycemic Index Diet
The Easy Healthy Way To Achieve
Permanent Weight Loss & Disease Prevention

A Low Glycemic Diet Plan - Lose the Weight You Want Safely and Quickly
By Brenda Robins

One of the most popular forms of dieting to be moving up the ranks in the weight loss world is the low glycemic diet plan. Unlike other heavily restrictive plans, this is more of a change in lifestyle than an actual diet. Similar to the low carb diets, this method deals more with restricting the types of carbohydrates you eat instead of the amount itself. Recommended by many doctors as a safe and effective way to lose weight, the timing and types of food eaten are extremely important to this techniques success.

The Idea behind the Low Glycemic Diet Plan

When you ingest foods, carbohydrates mainly, there are both sugars and fats that need to be digested. When you eat foods that have a high level of sugar, your body will produce Insulin which will help to regulate or lower your blood sugar level. Unfortunately, this insulin will also tell your body's fat cells to store the fat that is associated with the sugary foods as well, and you gain more weight.

With a low glycemic diet plan, each type of carbohydrate or food is assigned a number from 0-100 which ranks its ability to raise the blood sugar level. Any food with the GI number of over 70 will significantly raise the blood glucose level, producing insulin and triggering fat absorption. The goal with this type of diet plan is to eat foods with a low glycemic index number of 55 or less.

What Does All This Mean?

A low glycemic diet plan does not state that you can only eat foods with an index number less than 55. However, it does focus on combining foods of various levels in order to maintain a balance. For instance, some foods with a high level are considered to be healthy. These foods can then be paired with a food that has a very low GI number to produce a meal that is well balanced and is in the low to median glycemic index range.

For example, fresh poultry has a very low GI number since it has no sugar, and can be paired with a baked potato that has a high GI number to produce a meal with a median level. In this way you can eat many of the foods you like in moderation as long as they are balanced with other lower index healthy foods.

Benefits of a Low Glycemic Diet Plan

  • You have diminished cravings and feel fuller throughout the day.
  • You have more energy and drive to accomplish tasks such as exercise.
  • Blood sugar levels are properly maintained.
  • Little to no calorie restrictions since you are choosing healthy foods.

A low glycemic diet plan provides the answers that many consumers have been searching for. Not only does it allow you to be flexible with the types of foods you eat, but it does not necessarily feel like a diet. You are able to enjoy the foods you like in moderation, all while losing weight safely and quickly.

For more information on how to lose weight quickly and reviews of popular programs and products visit my regularly updated site at http://www.Lose-Weight-Fast-Tips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brenda_Robins

Recommended Program
The Low Glycemic Index Diet
The Easy Healthy Way To Achieve
Permanent Weight Loss & Disease Prevention

Weight Loss - Does the Low Glycemic Diet Work?
By Kurt Ryan Platinum Quality Author

It seems there's a new "revolutionary" diet plan coming out almost daily. Most are very restrictive, some are just just unusual. Most are more interested in gaining your dollars through purchasing their books, memberships, supplements and processed food products than in really helping you lose weight and maintain a svelte physique. It's their business.

How about putting good science and some common sense into this equation? Well, one such diet that has scientific backing and plenty of user experience to provide evidence of its health and weight loss benefits is the low glycemic diet.

When you switch to a healthy diet that works, you'll have benefits in terms of body detox and cleanse toxins from your system as well as lose weight. And when you combine a healthy diet with a proper detox such as a colon cleanse, then your results will be even greater.

What Is The Low Glycemic Diet?

First, let's talk about what it isn't. The low glycemic index (GI) diet is not a restrictive diet. There are no foods off-limits or calorie counting. There are no structured menus. Sounds good, doesn't it? So what's the catch? The only catch is that you choose your carbohydrates more carefully.

Glycemic indexing began in 1981 when scientists began looking at how our bodies metabolized carbohydrates. Before then, it was assumed that our bodies digested simple sugars more quickly than complex carbohydrates, resulting in quick increases in blood glucose levels. It turns out that this is not the case. In fact, these studies have produced some surprising results.

Glycemic index is a measure of the effect of food on the body's blood sugar. High GI foods spike your blood sugar, and thus insulin in response. Lower GI foods raise the blood sugar more slowly, over a longer period of time resulting in a lowered insulin response. This lowers your risk of diabetes and other health conditions and is essential in maintaining a healthy weight.

How The Low GI Helps You Lose Weight

By substituting lower GI foods for higher GI foods, your body is more satisfied and satisfied for longer, lowering the temptation to snack. Consumption of high GI foods gives you a quick energy rush but it soon crashes, resulting in hunger for another rush. This contributes to cravings and a need to overeat.

When you consume high GI foods, your body uses that energy first instead of other energy sources like burning body fat. By making carbohydrate energy less available by eating more low GI foods, your body will turn to fat-burning to make up the difference. Since the low GI foods are also more satisfying for longer, the desire to eat again is reduced so calorie consumption is naturally reduced as well.

Since the low GI diet isn't restrictive, it is easy to maintain for a lifetime of weight control and improved health. For example, there is no need to eliminate bread from your diet - just choose a lower GI wholegrain bread for high GI white bread. Likewise make those choices for cereals and juices and most all of your favorite foods. You can even keep your favorite high GI foods by combining them with low GI foods for an overall lowered GI.

Losing weight can be this simple with the knowledge and tools now available. By making simple substitutions and being aware, you can say goodbye to restrictive dieting forever. So try it out and see the results for yourself.

Want the top rated colon cleanse products? Then see Kurt Ryan's site which reviews the latest colon cleansing products including how to get a trial offer of the top bowel cleanser products to see the results for yourself. Does colon cleansing really help with detox and weight loss? Find out here in this review.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kurt_Ryan

Recommended Program
The Low Glycemic Index Diet
The Easy Healthy Way To Achieve
Permanent Weight Loss & Disease Prevention

Type 2 Diabetes - Get Into the Low-GI Habit
By Beverleigh H Piepers Platinum Quality Author

Do you know a healthy low-GI diet plus physical activity is the most powerful way for a person with type 2 diabetes to optimize their insulin sensitivity and maintain stable blood glucose levels over the whole day? And when you read this you will see how this type of diet increases the rate of weight loss compared to a conventional low-fat diet.

What is it?

The Glycemic Index is a measure of how fast carbohydrates hit the bloodstream. Carbohydrates are compared weight for weight.

It is important to understand not all carbohydrates have the same fuel efficiency. Many refined or simple carbohydrates, or high-GI, cause blood sugar level highs and lows. In other words they hit the bloodstream quickly, there is a period of high energy followed by a period of extremely low energy. The diabetic is then left craving more of the simple quick release carbohydrates. So I call these the fast carbohydrates.

Evaluation of the diet of people who develop diabetes compared to those who don't, show the ones with the fast carbohydrate diet most often developed type 2 diabetes. Once this condition is present, those who then eat the slow carbohydrate diet have the lowest blood glucose levels, and their triglycerides and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels fall.

Choosing slow carbohydrate food over fast carbohydrates, helps keep your blood sugars balanced and they contain the fiber and minerals usually removed in making their counterpart. An example is whole wheat bread (slow) and white bread (fast).

Foods containing slow carbohydrates are:

  • pasta
  • whole grains
  • legumes (beans)
They release glucose more gradually into the bloodstream and have a low-GI. The slow and steady digestion of these produces a smoother blood sugar curve, giving a feeling of fullness and reduced disturbance to insulin and blood sugars.

You don't have to just eat slow carbohydrates to get the health benefits, the two groups can be combined and the overall response is between the two.

It is known that a diet based on slow carbohydrate choices will:

  • reduce blood glucose spikes
  • improve insulin sensitivity
  • improve blood cholesterol levels
  • increase feelings of fullness after eating
  • reduce hunger between meals
  • increase the weight loss rate
  • help prevent weight gain over a longer period
Renovate your diet by:
  • substituting with slow carbohydrate food
  • being aware of the quantity of carbohydrates you eat
Low-GI foods will help you manage your Type 2 diabetes and your weight.

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Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand and live easily with your Type 2 Diabetes. Knowledge is power and it is knowledge you will need to make wise decisions about the choices affecting your life and health.

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