The glycemic index, glycaemic index, or GI is defined as a measure of the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. Since Foods have a high GI caused carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion and released glucose rapidly into the bloodstream. On the other hand, foods with a low GI have significant health benefits, because theirs carbohydrates break down more slowly, release glucose more gradually into the bloodstream. The concept was developed by Dr. David J. Jenkins and colleagues[1] in 1980–1981 at the University of Toronto in their research to find out which foods were best for people with diabetes.
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The Low Glycemic Index Diet
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A Low Glycemic Diet Plan - Lose the Weight You Want Safely and Quickly
One of the most popular forms of dieting to be moving up the ranks in the weight loss world is the low glycemic diet plan. Unlike other heavily restrictive plans, this is more of a change in lifestyle than an actual diet. Similar to the low carb diets, this method deals more with restricting the types of carbohydrates you eat instead of the amount itself. Recommended by many doctors as a safe and effective way to lose weight, the timing and types of food eaten are extremely important to this techniques success.
The Idea behind the Low Glycemic Diet Plan
When you ingest foods, carbohydrates mainly, there are both sugars and fats that need to be digested. When you eat foods that have a high level of sugar, your body will produce Insulin which will help to regulate or lower your blood sugar level. Unfortunately, this insulin will also tell your body's fat cells to store the fat that is associated with the sugary foods as well, and you gain more weight.
With a low glycemic diet plan, each type of carbohydrate or food is assigned a number from 0-100 which ranks its ability to raise the blood sugar level. Any food with the GI number of over 70 will significantly raise the blood glucose level, producing insulin and triggering fat absorption. The goal with this type of diet plan is to eat foods with a low glycemic index number of 55 or less.
What Does All This Mean?
A low glycemic diet plan does not state that you can only eat foods with an index number less than 55. However, it does focus on combining foods of various levels in order to maintain a balance. For instance, some foods with a high level are considered to be healthy. These foods can then be paired with a food that has a very low GI number to produce a meal that is well balanced and is in the low to median glycemic index range.
For example, fresh poultry has a very low GI number since it has no sugar, and can be paired with a baked potato that has a high GI number to produce a meal with a median level. In this way you can eat many of the foods you like in moderation as long as they are balanced with other lower index healthy foods.
Benefits of a Low Glycemic Diet Plan
- You have diminished cravings and feel fuller throughout the day.
- You have more energy and drive to accomplish tasks such as exercise.
- Blood sugar levels are properly maintained.
- Little to no calorie restrictions since you are choosing healthy foods.
A low glycemic diet plan provides the answers that many consumers have been searching for. Not only does it allow you to be flexible with the types of foods you eat, but it does not necessarily feel like a diet. You are able to enjoy the foods you like in moderation, all while losing weight safely and quickly.
For more information on how to lose weight quickly and reviews of popular programs and products visit my regularly updated site at
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The Glycemic diet is one of the latest in the legions of weight loss programs that ever came to life. Celebrities are vouching for this diet for some reason and many claim that it is one of the soundest dietary programs when it comes to scientific principles. According to scientific research, it can reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes and heart ailments.
The Glycemic Index or GI is a list of foods ranked from 0 to 100. On one side are the ones with low GI scores and can release sugar slowly into the blood. On the other side, the opposite provides rapid energy by causing a sharp spike of the sugar levels in the blood. When this happens, insulin is released from the pancreas rapidly in order to bring the level of blood sugar down. You then end up feeling hungry and tires within just a short period. The result is, you eat snacks and cow on food over and over again. GI helps you then by informing you which foods to avoid, high GI foods that is to say.
Foods that are allowable to eat include dairy products; fat free yogurt, milk, cream cheese, sour cream, cheese, and cottage cheese. Cereals are allowed as well; oat bran, oats, muesli, rice bran, and any other cereal that can provide about 10g of fiber per serving. Grains like brown rice, bulgur, buckwheat, and barley are also allowed. When it comes to breads, breads made from coarse rye flour and whole-wheat grain is OK.
Noodles and pasta are allowed too, but you should choose noodles and pasta that are made of whole grain and high fiber grains. Protein-rich foods are the way to go with this diet; chicken should be skinless though.
If you are planning on following this diet, be advised to consult your doctor first since there may be foods that are not be suitable for you even if it is in the low Glycemic foods group.
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For anyone that is looking to lose weight that isn't too complicated, restrictive or expensive then the low GI diet is perfect. It was originally intended to help people who were suffering from diabetes and to assist in controlling their blood glucose levels, but it has since been adapted to also help those who are looking to lose weight as this diet controls cravings and appetite.
The benefits to using the low GI diet is that you lose fat rather than muscle or fluid and it also increases the rate of weight loss compared to other conventional low fat diets. For those who are also looking to get rid of belly fat, a low Glycemic Index diet can help that too.
All the information you need to know about the low GI diet can be found free of charge on the glycemic index website.
When you start looking through the food database, you will find a few surprises. One is that some healthy, high fibre foods such as brown rice have a high GI ranking. When it comes to a high fibre diet, not everyone enjoys eating everything 'brown'. With the low Glycemic Index diet you can eat bread, pasta and basmati rice and not have to eat the brown versions.
The key points to remember when eating low Glycemic Index foods:
1. Look for low GI foods with a ranking of 55 or less, such as pasta and legumes.
2. Eating low GI foods will keep you satisfied for longer and help you suppress your appetite
3. Low GI foods will help you lose and control your weight.
With the low Glycemic Index diet you will learn about different carbohydrates and how some can be beneficial to your health while others may not. This will help you control your weight loss without it becoming too complicated or expensive.
Kelly enjoys writing articles relating to the diet, fitness and health industry as well as anything to do with the home and home improvements. You can also check out her latest website at which offers reviews on the best mattresses available such as the pillow top mattress.
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The Low Glycemic Index Diet
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