The glycemic index, glycaemic index, or GI is defined as a measure of the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. Since Foods have a high GI caused carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion and released glucose rapidly into the bloodstream. On the other hand, foods with a low GI have significant health benefits, because theirs carbohydrates break down more slowly, release glucose more gradually into the bloodstream. The concept was developed by Dr. David J. Jenkins and colleagues[1] in 1980–1981 at the University of Toronto in their research to find out which foods were best for people with diabetes.
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Recommended Reading
The Low Glycemic Index Diet
The Easy Healthy Way To Achieve
Permanent Weight Loss & Disease Prevention
The Low GI Diet Plan
By Anthony Lee
Everyone knows there is a link between obesity and diabetes. In fact, 80% of those that suffer from Type 2 diabetes are obese. Both are key indicators of possible insulin resistance and the only way to stop this from happening is by following a low GI diet plan.
Although there are many causes of obesity and insulin resistance, experts believe that a diet plan is necessary because of the overconsumption of refined high GI carbohydrates. These foods cause a rapid rise in blood glucose thus triggering excessive amounts of insulin to be released into the pancreas to cope with the glucose.
Over time, this will cause the body's cells to be resistant to insulin. When this happens, the pancreas won't be able to produce this anymore which facilitates to obesity and increase your chances of heart disease.
The solution is the low GI diet plan. In general, this means reducing our intake of refined carbs and sugary foods and substituting this with healthy carbs. You will reduce the amount of meat products and change these with wheat products, low fat diary foods, fruits, beans and vegetables. A study shows that cutting down will improve insulin sensitivity and together with exercise, can help you lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Since not everyone knows what products are low in glycemic levels, the best thing for you to do is to consult a dietitian. This professional can teach you how to live a healthier life apart from reading books and magazines that also offer similar advice.
The plan does not involve only what you eat but also how you do it. You must avoid leaving a lengthy time between meals because once your blood sugar levels are low and you feel weak, you may be tempted to eat foods that are not within the low GI range.
You can't eat just one type of fruit or vegetable because you will eventually get tired of it. You can prevent this by swapping them around or preparing it differently.
In summary, the diet plan is all about insulin and controlling your blood sugar levels. This can only work once you know which foods have a low GI level which will provide you a steady supply of energy over the next few hours so you won't be tempted to go for a snack in between meals.
For diet tips to lose weight, visit Article Source: GI Diet Review This article is a review of the GI Diet. The diet is based on the principal that by eating foods with a low GI index, you will then be able to more quickly and easily lose weight. GI or glycemic index in particular is a measure of how long it takes for carbohydrates to be digested and converted into glucose or blood sugar. The faster the rate, the higher the insulin spike. A high spike triggers your body to more easily store the excess carbs as fat. Rick Gallop bases his book, The GI Diet on these principals. The following is a review of his diet. Philosophy of the GI Diet The basic philosophy behind Gallop's diet is that by eating foods with a low glycemic value, you can lose weight without feeling hungry or counting calories. He developed the GI diet in response to himself having loss weight using the Zone Diet. Because of his success on the diet, he recommended it to his friends. However, only 5 percent were able to stick to the diet. The biggest factors for them not completing the diet was that it was too complex and that they were always feeling hungry and deprived. The development of the GI Diet was his answer to these problems. GI Diet Design The design of the diet is divided into two phases: the weigh loss phase and the maintenance phase. Phase 1 Phase 1 is part of the diet where you will be losing weight. To accomplish this, Gallop created a list of color codes to represent the foods that you can eat. The colors, green, yellow, and red, are symbolic of traffic lights and each represent foods in a certain range of the GI index. The foods color coded under green light, which have the lowest GI values, represent the foods you can eat in phase 1. Foods under the yellow and red light, which have higher GI values, are to be avoided. Some of the foods color coded with green are apples, cereals, breads, beans, and soups. His method for getting around counting calories has to do with how you fill up your plate. 50 percent should be with vegetables, 25 percent with lean meats, and the remaining 25 percent with rice, pasta, or some type of grain. He also states there are certain foods that you can eat as much as you would like, since they are very low in calories and help to fill you up. You are to stay on phase 1 until you lose the amount of weight you desire. Also in his book is a wide list of foods and recipes that you can follow. Phase 2 Phase 2 is the maintenance phase. In this phase, you start to increase your calorie intake and you also can start eating foods coded under the yellow light. He states that the biggest mistake you can make during this phase is to eat too much. As such, he cautions you that during this time you will need to eat fewer calories to maintain your present weight than you did before you started dieting. As for red light foods, Gallop advises to only eat in moderation. If you don't, you will only end up sabotaging your success. Exercise Even though he does mention the benefits of exercise, he is somewhat dismissive of it in terms of losing weight. He argues that to lose 1 pound of fat for, say a 130 pound person walking at 4 mph, you would have to walk 53 miles. He does offers some suggestions for exercise though. Some exercises that he suggests are walking, jogging, hiking and cycling. He also briefly mentions the benefits of resistance training. Precautions and Risks Given that the diet contains a wide range of foods, with low GI foods and its core, there are not too many risks to the diet. The only precautions to keep in mind is that meats should be lean and low in saturated fats and be careful not to overeat, since to much of even low GI foods can lead to weight gain. Overall Assessment Overall, the GI Diet is based on sound weight loss principals in that it acknowledges that the only way to lose weight is by taking in fewer calories than you burn. By eating foods that have low GI indexes, you can more easily accomplish this since these foods are low in calorie, but are highly dense. My only concern is that, even though he acknowledges the importance of exercise, he is, as I mentioned above, some what dismissive of it. What he fails to realize is that exercise, especially resistance training, is a way that you can train your body to burn calories 24 hours a day, not just when you are performing the exercise. By building lean muscle, your body burns more calories, since muscle requires more energy to sustain than fat cells. Also, it is an accepted fact that as we grow older, we tend to lose muscle, which is the primary reason that we start to gain more fat. With exercise, you can retain, and better yet grow more muscle, which in the long run makes maintaining your desired weight more manageable. Thus, to improve the diet, the only addition that I would recommend to Gallop's book is that more emphasis be put on exercising as well as dieting. Check out the latest news and information on diets, weigh loss products, and exercise at In addition to reporting on the latest information regarding diet and weight loss research, the site is updated daily with advice and guidance on ways to burn fat quickly. Be sure to check out fat burning snacks and other valuable bits of infomation. Article Source: Is Fruit a Great Fat Loss Tool in a GI Diet? Losing weight can be one hectic task. No wonder many aspiring to lose weight and reduce their blood sugar have refused to go on a steady diet, pill or exercise routine. It's not as if these will never work, they do. The unfortunate thing is many people do not find out what works for them before dabbling into any proposed remedies or fat loss solutions. For many people, losing all that fat is a tedious and "impossible". The mere thought of having to run for about 20 minutes a day, walk for 5 miles or even maintain a regular routine exercise schedule is daunting for many. Emile Jarreau, aka,Mr. Fat Loss is fascinated by health, nutrition and weight loss. For more great Glycemic Index Information for losing weight and keeping it off visit |
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