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Low-Carbohydrate Diets - GI Diets
By Brian I Park
Diets based on the glycaemic index (Gl) have become popular. They focus on the role of carbohydrates (sugary and starchy foods) in the diet, and particularly on the speed at which carbohydrates are digested into glucose and released into the bloodstream.
The glycaemic index (Gl) is a way of classifying carbohydrates according to how quickly they are digested. Glucose, which is rapidly dispersed into the bloodstream, has a Gl rating of 100, while grapefruit has aGI of 14 and spaghetti a Gl of 41.
This was developed by nutritionists researching into diabetes, which occurs when the body's ability to produce insulin and regulate glucose is impaired. A key part of managing the condition is to keep glucose levels stable, and researchers found that carbohydrates that are digested slowly cause fewer peaks and troughs in glucose levels than those that release glucose quickly into the blood.
People with diabetes are often advised to include low-GI carbohydrates with each meal as part of their treatment plan. People who do not have diabetes do not need help with managing their glucose and insulin levels. But further research into the Gl classification has found that it can play an important role in helping to manage weight.
The theory behind Gl weight loss diets is that filling up on carbohydrates with a low Gl helps to control overall energy intake, because they are more likely to keep hunger at bay for longer than other foods. High-GI carbohydrates, by contrast, are believed to produce a short-lived 'sugar rush' followed by a dip in energy and the desire to eat again. Slimmers who are following a low-GI plan are less likely to eat high-sugar, high-fat snacks, and to eat low-fat, high-fibre meals, so that it should be possible to create a calorie deficit resulting In a weight loss at the desirable rate of 450-900 g (1-2 lb) a week.
One reason why the low-GI diet has become very popular with nutritionists is that many of the principles are in line with current thinking on what makes a healthy diet. Low-GI carbohydrates (with a rating below 60) include most fruit and vegetables, wholemeal stoneground bread, porridge, rice and pulses. They are likely to be high in fibre, either soluble or Insoluble, which is good for the digestive system and heart health, and many -although not all - are low in sugar and fat.
High Gl foods, which are to be limited or avoided on a Gl weight loss diet, include white bread, white rice, sugary breakfast cereals, and foods made with sugar or white flour such as cakes and biscuits. Processed foods like these are also likely to include saturated fats or trans fats, which need to be limited.
Read More about Low Carb-GI Diets & Weight Loss with Green Tea that works really well with Low Carb Diet.
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Is Fruit a Great Fat Loss Tool in a GI Diet?
By Emile Jarreau
Losing weight can be one hectic task. No wonder many aspiring to lose weight and reduce their blood sugar have refused to go on a steady diet, pill or exercise routine. It's not as if these will never work, they do. The unfortunate thing is many people do not find out what works for them before dabbling into any proposed remedies or fat loss solutions. For many people, losing all that fat is a tedious and "impossible". The mere thought of having to run for about 20 minutes a day, walk for 5 miles or even maintain a regular routine exercise schedule is daunting for many.
Whatever the case may be, it is obvious that for most people, one thing is responsible for the unnecessary weight gain and undue high sugar levels in the blood: The kinds of food they take. There are lots of diet programs. They range from anything from a complete elimination of carbs from the diet to an all-protein diet. While some of these may work, the truth is the body needs ALL the necessary forms of nutrients it can get. The only drawback to this is in the amounts of food groups taken. An individual who consumes a lot of high glycemic index foods, will store up calories and fat resulting in an increase in weight.
However, when the foods are taken in the necessary quantity or have low glycemic index, they can help cut down fat, reduce abnormally high blood sugar, and maintain a lean, fat-free body. An example of a low glycemic index food is fruits. Fruits are a dime a dozen these days but most people would rather settle for a sandwich as a snack than fruits. Nevertheless, fruits with all its attendant benefits can help an individual lose weight faster, improve on the abnormal high blood sugar, reduce calories, and live longer and have a more healthy life.
Most fruits will have a low glycemic index. This means that they keep your blood sugar low, and leave little or no calories in your body as your body can easily use them for energy. Many diet programs have recommended the absence of fruits in them because of the sugar they contain not knowing that not all of these natural sugars are harmful. In fact, some fruits such as the apple have a low GI index of 35. Fruits with low GI -and many fruits have a low glycemic index- help reduce blood glucose. Thus, making it a necessity for those people aspiring towards weight and fat loss using the GI index, this will include fruit as large part of your healthy diet.
While it is common for people to settle strictly for low GI index fruits or foods, health practitioners have proven that it is better to maintain a moderate GI rather than just a low one. The reason for this is that people can get hypoglycemic -have low blood sugar levels resulting in general weakness, dehydration- and without an adequate amount of high GI foods such as the potatoes and watermelon, they could die. But a mix of both a low and high GI fruits and foods as seen in Asia is the best step towards maintaining your health.
Emile Jarreau, aka,Mr. Fat Loss is fascinated by health, nutrition and weight loss. For more great Glycemic Index Information for losing weight and keeping it off visit
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