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Low Glycemic Diet - 3 Reasons Why Diets Fail and How the Low Glycemic Diet Works For the Long Term
By Dave Hernandez
Let's look at why a low glycemic diet works to keep up healthy weight and active lifestyle. When many people advance towards the midlife some start to experience many issues pertaining to their weight. Usually your metabolism slows down and you start to experience weight gain extra weight around the mid section. As you probably know this is unhealthy and can lead to other risks such as diabetes and heart disease. With so many craze diets and products that declare you can take their magic diet pill, it's hard to know which programs perform and which will get "real" results.
Let's keep it as uncomplicated as possible. Most know that it boils down to diet and exercise. The question is which diet. The answer is a low glycemic diet that will promote long term health and produce long lasting changes.
The glycemic index or GI is a measure of the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion, releasing glucose rapidly into the bloodstream, have a high GI; foods that break down more slowly, releasing glucose more gradually into the bloodstream, have a low GI. For most people, foods with a low GI have significant health benefits
Many folks in today's fast paced world don't have time to eat right and end up eating many highly refined processed foods that are high in saturated fat. Not only do they offer little nutritional value, but they raise your blood sugar to unhealthy levels. They spike also results in insulin being released into your blood stream to digest the sugars. The outcome from this over production of insulin is glycemic shock which places your body under stress counteract these high insulin levels. The resulting crash is a feeling of hunger and irritability, and a craving to raise your blood sugar level again. This leads to poor choices in diet since you are giving your body what it craves at that moment. This is why this is a short term solution to a long term problem.
The solution is a low glycemic diet that raises your blood sugar slowly so you body can deal with the rise in blood sugar levels better. Yes, fruits and vegetables contain healthy sugars that do what we need. Fruits contain sucrose which burns more slowly in our metabolism, thus it leaves us feeling satisfied longer.
If you still do not believe this is the best way to go, you need to understand the
3 Reasons Why Diets Fail:
1. The first reason why diets fail is because dieters often drastically restrict their calories or food choices. Unfortunately, this is interpreted by the body as a starvation diet which drastically slows down your metabolism and makes it even more difficult to lose weight. What is the solution? It is in stable lifestyle changes are needed to achieve sustained weight loss.
2. The second reason diets don't work is because they often cut out certain food groups which leads to unbalanced nutrition.. Too often, diets focus on specific types of foods or nutrients and disregard the significance of everything else, leading to unbalanced nutrition. Here is the solution. First it is necessary to understand that for optimal nutrition, our bodies need a balanced variety of nutrients, including the right types of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
3. The third reason is the high glycemic trap. These foods can sabotage even the greatest of diet plans. The spike results and subsequent drop in blood sugar which leads to a more rapid return to feelings of famine and craving for more food. Here is another alternative: A better method focuses on a low glycemic diet with good carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables. This helps to moderate blood glucose levels, leaving you pleased.
The answer lies in understanding that when you eat high glycemic foods your body is your are body responds physically and the feelings of hunger and cravings are real. However, you will not get fat from an sporadic slice of pizza or one dessert, but you will remain healthy and maintain good weight if you follow the 80/20 rule. This means that you should strive to stay on a low glycemic diet 80% of the time, as well as diet and exercise. Do you want to know how to get on a plan that works?
Most people that lose weight gain it back within 6 months. Did you know that people who are overweight have a greater chance of developing a degenerative disease than people who are not? Are you looking to manage your weight. Learn how the low glycemic diet can help you get healthy and stay that way. Go to
Article Source:
The Low Glycemic Index Diet
The Easy Healthy Way To Achieve
Permanent Weight Loss & Disease Prevention
Say Goodbye to High Blood Sugar Levels!
By Beverleigh H Piepers
The basis of control of type 2 diabetes really commences with diet. Exercise helps to bring down your blood sugar levels but what you eat is the main controlling factor to bring down your weight, your insulin level, your blood sugars and your cholesterol levels. This will improve control of your type 2 naturally, reducing the need for medications, both oral and insulin-injections.
There are many diabetic diets available, each with conflicting advice. While diet does not replace effective medication, it is the single most important factor overlooked. The correct diet for you leads to much better control of your type 2 diabetes and less medication, which can only give you a better quality of life and reduce the side-effects of drugs.
That said, here are five diet facts to help you:
1. Stick to an effective diabetic diet. This means one based on foods with a low glycemic index (low-GI) ... often referred to as a GI diet. What the glycemic index does is measure the effect of food on raising blood sugar levels. There are several different low-GI diets available, and some are more effective than others. A properly managed one though will bring about:
- stable blood sugar levels
- lower your insulin-resistance and therefore reduce your need for oral medications
- reduce your triglyceride level and improve your HDL, therefore improving your cardiovascular risks
2. A low-GI diet is not the same as a low-carb diet. Both restrict the number of high-GI foods such as bread and pasta but some low-carb diets restrict unrefined vegetable carbohydrates. This is not a good idea unless you plan to add massive vitamin and mineral supplements to your diet.
3. Low-fat/high carbohydrate diets. There are many studies which show how ineffective these diets are on cholesterol levels. The best results showing low blood fats, came from those diabetics who followed the low-GI principle of replacing refined carbohydrates with unrefined carbohydrates.
4. A low-GI diets affects your body's insulin which controls the level of your blood sugars and blood fats. Following this eating plan, insulin-resistance can be lowered reasonably quickly, usually in 10-14 days. As insulin controls fat deposition in your body, it has the added advantage of healthy weight loss also.
5. Constant variations in your blood sugar levels can really only be resolved by lowering your insulin level, which means hypoglycemia doesn't occur and you won't feel weak and irritable. Also you won't feel the need to eat more carbohydrates for energy. Then fat will not be deposited around your waist.
By reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates you reduce your insulin-requirement either from your pancreas or by injection. Eating the correct foods and the correct amount, will improve control over your type 2 diabetes.
Your diet really determines the control of your type 2 diabetes and whether you will live a long healthy life, or an untimely shortened one due to complications. Once you understand what you have to do and why, you will start to control your own health.
If your would like to receive my free E-book, click here now to download your copy: Answers to Your Questions
Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your Type 2 Diabetes.
Article Source:
The Low Glycemic Index Diet
The Easy Healthy Way To Achieve
Permanent Weight Loss & Disease Prevention
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