Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Low Gi Diet Pro and Con

Recommended Program
The Low Glycemic Index Diet
The Easy Healthy Way To Achieve
Permanent Weight Loss & Disease Prevention

Glycemic Diet 101 - Real Facts You Need to Know About This GI Diet
By Faviano Torres

The Glycemic diet is one of the latest in the legions of weight loss programs that ever came to life. Celebrities are vouching for this diet for some reason and many claim that it is one of the soundest dietary programs when it comes to scientific principles. According to scientific research, it can reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes and heart ailments.

The Glycemic Index or GI is a list of foods ranked from 0 to 100. On one side are the ones with low GI scores and can release sugar slowly into the blood. On the other side, the opposite provides rapid energy by causing a sharp spike of the sugar levels in the blood. When this happens, insulin is released from the pancreas rapidly in order to bring the level of blood sugar down. You then end up feeling hungry and tires within just a short period. The result is, you eat snacks and cow on food over and over again. GI helps you then by informing you which foods to avoid, high GI foods that is to say.

Foods that are allowable to eat include dairy products; fat free yogurt, milk, cream cheese, sour cream, cheese, and cottage cheese. Cereals are allowed as well; oat bran, oats, muesli, rice bran, and any other cereal that can provide about 10g of fiber per serving. Grains like brown rice, bulgur, buckwheat, and barley are also allowed. When it comes to breads, breads made from coarse rye flour and whole-wheat grain is OK.

Noodles and pasta are allowed too, but you should choose noodles and pasta that are made of whole grain and high fiber grains. Protein-rich foods are the way to go with this diet; chicken should be skinless though.
If you are planning on following this diet, be advised to consult your doctor first since there may be foods that are not be suitable for you even if it is in the low Glycemic foods group.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Faviano_Torres

Recommended Program
The Low Glycemic Index Diet
The Easy Healthy Way To Achieve
Permanent Weight Loss & Disease Prevention

Eating a Low Glycemic Index Diet
By Jenny Taglia Platinum Quality Author

The glycemic index is how foods can be ranked concerning how carbs will affect a person's blood glucose level. When you choose a diet that is lower in these GI carbs you can help to control the levels of insulin that will be produced in your body. This can help in heart health and diabetes.

Eating foods that have a lower GI carb rating are what can help your health. Not only will it affect your heart, but also diabetes and so much more. With a diet that has a lower GI carb rating you will be able to lose weight. It's an easy process that anyone can do, and you will even feel as if the food you eat lasts longer, being hungry less often.

A diet that has low GI carbs will help you to lose and control your weight much better. Plus you can lower your susceptibility to diabetes because your body will become more sensitive to insulin and how it reacts with your body. Low GI diets can also help reduce cholesterol levels and help with heart disease.

A diet that is Low in GI carbs will also help with your endurance and energy. So, how can you switch your diet over to a much better way of eating? Follow these steps.

Change to eating cereals that have oats, barley or bran. Cut down on your potatoes that you eat. Change over your breads to a sour dough, stone ground flour, or whole grain. Eat rice that is either basmati or Doongara. Increase you intake of fruits and vegetables. Eat more noodles, and salads, but don't use dressing besides vinaigrette if you can.

A low GI diet will help you out tremendously, so start getting healthy today and eat the above foods. Switch your diet over and feel better.

Jenny Taglia is the leading expert in weight loss. If you want to learn more about Weight Loss you should check out her great information on the Glycemic Index at http://www.glycemicindexhealth.com/ or her book at http://www.glycemicindexhealth.com/tips/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jenny_Taglia

Recommended Program
The Low Glycemic Index Diet
The Easy Healthy Way To Achieve
Permanent Weight Loss & Disease Prevention

A New Way of Eating With a Low GI Diet Meal Plan
By Leonard Greenhall

Everyone, well almost everyone, has become health conscious today taking note of what goes into the body. There are so many foods now in the daily eating plan that people think is healthy however in the wrong portions and amounts can actually cause a weight gain. Weight is such an issue today with children as young as 4 years suffering overweight problems and so much which is eaten is just plain unhealthy for our bodies. The glycemic index is a way people can rate the carbohydrates in the foods they eat which will affect the blood glucose levels. A low GI meal plan will ensure that you have a low intake of carbohydrates this means you will not eat foods that will add to your blood glucose levels.

For you the reader who wants to lose weight it is just so important to have a meal plan. This means you can monitor your food intake and your type of food consumed daily and it keeps the overeating problem away. Having a low GI diet meal plan is good to help you begin the new way of eating and to monitor the foods you have every day. This will also help boost your confidence because you will have control on what you are eating on a daily basis.

With the low GI diet meal plan you will be eating foods that while they make you feel fuller for long periods will not add weight. This is great advantage because you will not feel a need to eat as much. In fact these foods will have your body burning the fat that you already contain for energy so you will have more energy throughout the day. Unhealthy foods that are high in fats make one feel hungrier giving you more cravings for more fatty foods. Foods like bread where thought to be healthy because they are low in fats but they are not healthy because of their high carbohydrates level therefore they have a high GI. These foods that are high in carbohydrates when digested cause your blood glucose levels to rise.

Having A Successful Low GI Diet Meal Plan requires discipline!
The low GI diet meal plan will have you in a new way of eating. This will mean you have a new diet plan to adjust to and will require some discipline While this might be a challenge for some but there is no need to be skeptical about it following the plan is possible. This diet plan is not only safe for both adult and child to follow but its health benefits for the body in weight loss and inner colon cleansing are immeasurable.

So while there many other methods of weight reduction from weight reduction pills to natural products like acai berry and add to this the requirement of exercise with any weight reduction method the low Glycemic Index diet plan is perhaps the safest and oldest of them all and has only one drawback - it requires some personal discipline unlike a pill or drink.

Leonard Greenhall is a life coach personal adviser to those with emotional problems which may display themselves in obesity. He knows that both elements must be included in any treatment and in this article output he deals with a dietary element . for more of his input on weight reduction just click http://www.weightlosefaster.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leonard_Greenhall

Recommended Program
The Low Glycemic Index Diet
The Easy Healthy Way To Achieve
Permanent Weight Loss & Disease Prevention

Glycemic Impact Diet - Nutrisystem
By TK Healey Platinum Quality Author

Have you been hearing a lot about a glycemic diet? What kind of a diet is this and what does it mean? It is a diet with foods low in glycemic index value. Foods are ranked 1 - 100 based on the effects they have on blood sugar levels. Foods with a low glycemic value will slowly release sugar into the blood. This provides you with a steady supply of energy and a satisfied feeling so that you are not hungry. Thus you should snack less often.

Naturally food with a high glycemic impact value will do the opposite of a low value. The rapid rise in blood sugar can make you feel fatigued and hungry within a short period. Thus eating foods high in GI value can cause you to over eat causing weight gain.

Diets based on the GI value will encourage you to eat foods low in GI and to stay away from foods high in GI value. Most of these GI diets like many other diets will discourage the intake of fatty foods, especially saturated fats. So even if you have a food that is low in GI value but high in fat it should be limited in consumption.

Foods ranked from 0 to 55 on the glycemic index are considered to have a low GI. Some foods that have this rank are broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, mushrooms, onions and red peppers. These vegetables all have a rank around 10. Cherries and grapefruits run in the 20's. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, whole grains, lean meat, fish and low fat dairy are basically low in GI value. Any foods that rank over 70 are considered to have a high GI rank. Some of these foods you would want to stay away from are red skinned boiled potatoes, corn flakes, dates, bread stuffing, rice cakes and rice crackers. Foods made from white flour are heavily processed and are usually high GI foods. This is only a small sampling of foods that are low and high in GI value.

What are some popular diets that encourage the low GI values? Ann Collins, Nutrisystem and Ediets all have diet plans that are based on the Glycemic Index. There are many books to help guide you on a low glycemic index diet. The GI diet is claiming to be a simple, healthy way for permanent weight loss without going hungry. There is a saying regarding this diet. If you can follow a traffic light you can follow this diet. Categorizing foods as green, yellow and red.

This GI Diet can actually reduce your risk from heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and other high risk diseases. If you are concerned about your weight and health you owe it to yourself to invest the time and to look into this diet and discuss it with your doctor.

TK Healey chief editor for SurfTilYouDrop.com® a consumer based website focusing on As Seen On TV products. Check out the Nutrisystem GI Diet which foods are low Glycemic Index carbohydrates and the right amounts of protein and fiber, and low in fat.;

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